Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What is your science bias?

All adults who have significant contact with kids pass on some of our own biases to them. Parents and teachers in particular can really easily pass on their like or dislike of a topic to their children/students. If you are a parent or a teacher, what are the biases related to science that you have that you might be passing on? A parent who really liked science in school and thinks it is a fun and interesting can pass on that feeling to their kids. An elementary teacher who thinks that science is difficult and not very useful can pass on that negative feeling to their students.

We pass on so much information that we don't realize. Even the tone of voice we use when we say a certain word can speak volumes to another person. People have a lot of fear of science, they remember it being hard, scary or boring. When people find out I am a science teacher I inevitably hear their horror stories from their high school science classes and teachers. I have had parents at conferences basically imply that it wasn't that important how their kid did in science because science was hard and really not that important for normal people. I'm sure none of these people realize even a little bit how much those attitudes could be affecting their kids.

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