Friday, November 19, 2010

Building Bridges Again

The physics class is starting our second bridge project today. The bridge requirements are as follows:
  • Minimum dimensions: 3 cm tall, 5 cm wide, 25 cm long
  • Maximum weight (including all toothpicks and dry glue): 20 grams
  • Height must be measured above the table level
  • Weight must be able to rest on top of bridge

The students did some measuring and found the following information:

  • Mass of 1 toothpick: 0.12 grams
  • Length of 1 toothpick (point to point): 6.5 cm
  • Avg. percent of weight from glue in 1st bridges: approx. 25%

They had to draw plans and make calculations showing how they would build the bridge within the parameters. Later today they will start the first phase of building.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dreams of graduation

My director came to me today to see if I could help a senior get the 1.5 credits (a year and a half) of science that she needs to graduate. She was in a science class but it was too hard, she wasn't going to pass. So that would be dropped from her schedule.

So that means less than 3 quarters of the year to make up a year and a half of credit. When the 11th grade science class she was already in was too hard.

And all because her parents don't think she should be punished for the bad choices she made in the past by not being allowed to walk with her friends at graduation.