Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Earthquake made days shorter. No, really....

So when I saw this headline in someone's Facebook status I was sure it was a link to The Onion ( which has humorous and satirical news stories. But it was real. Did you know an earthquake could affect the length of a day on Earth?

NASA: Chile Quake Shifted Earth's Axis, Shortened Day

How The Chilean Quake Moved An Entire Planet

Your Day Feel Shorter? Blame Chile's Earthquake

Somehow it kind of shatters a little illusion of constancy that I had. A day is exactly as long a 1 day, that's the whole point. And if the length of a day can change then nothing at all is constant.

Which I really do know. And it isn't as if the change is big enough to make any difference, and it has happened before and it will happen again.

Goodbye 1.26 microseconds of every day...I will miss you! (or not)

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